Mon, 24 July 2017
Have you ever wondered why some people hold hands during the "Our Father" while others do not? Father Dave explains what we should or should not do with our hands during this period in Mass. (Original Air 07-12-17) |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Father Dave talks about the new path to sainthood that Pope Francis recently introduced, recognizing those who sacrifice their lives for others. Pope Francis hopes this new path will allow for a clearer definition of what is required to be a saint, and may even allow more people to become saints. (Original Air 07-12-17) |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Jonathan Evans, the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys, stops by the Busted Halo Show to talk about his own football career, and what moved him to pursue ministry and help his community. (Original Air 06-09-17) |