Thu, 29 February 2024
Father Dave welcomes back speaker and author Eric Clayton to discuss his new book “My Life with the Jedi: The Spirituality of Star Wars.” |
Mon, 26 February 2024
Some people focus on physical fitness during Lent, and Father Dave welcomes back Colleen Scariano and Deanne Miller, the founders of SoulCore, to discuss integrating soul and body in our Catholic faith. Soulcore began in 2012 as a Catholic fitness apostolate that combines the prayers of the Rosary with core strengthening, stretching, and other functional movements. |
Wed, 21 February 2024
If part of your Lenten promise is to spend more time with Jesus, you’ll enjoy Father Dave discussing Eucharistic Adoration with Father Tim Anastos! Father Tim is the assistant chaplain at the St. John Paul II Newman Center at the University of Illinois–Chicago and author of “Jesus, Make Me Fully Alive: 30 Holy Hour Reflections.” |
Wed, 14 February 2024
A listener named Phillip asks Father Dave a question about guilt while grieving the death of a loved one. He says, “My grandpa Oscar passed away a couple months ago. I administered chest compressions, and it did not help. I feel guilty. He was 92, but I really tried to save his life. My question is, if it's God's will, why do I feel guilty?”
Mon, 12 February 2024
As Lent approaches, a listener named James asks, “Ash Wednesday falls on the same day as Valentine's Day this year. How do I observe the fast while still celebrating the holiday? I'm not just talking about dinner out with my spouse, I'm a big fan of chocolate too. Can I just start my Lent a day later?” |
Wed, 7 February 2024
If you’re looking for personal retreat inspiration this Lent, you’ll be excited to hear journalist and papal biographer Austen Ivereigh discuss his new book, “First Belong to God: On Retreat with Pope Francis” with Father Dave. Austen is the author of two biographies of Pope Francis, and he and the pope co-wrote a book called, “Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future.” |
Mon, 5 February 2024
A listener named Susan asks Father Dave a question about personal prayer. She wonders, “What’s better: praying for something specific, or praying for God’s will?” |