Wed, 3 December 2008
Father Dave tackles some interesting questions here including those about the Orthodox sign-of-the-cross, the development and complexity of the mass, and how someone new to confession should prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (Originally aired: 11/19/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, and XM 117, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 26 November 2008
Father Dave lends some assuring words to a caller going through some tough times. He also handles interesting caller questions regarding God, the Devil, dreams, and superstitions. (Originally aired: 10/14/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, and XM 117, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 20 November 2008
Father Dave answers some intriguing questions of faith regarding the idea of indulgences, and also: who should I profess my faith to? (Originally aired: 10/13/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Mon, 17 November 2008
Father Dave answers some questions of faith on the show, including a tricky inquiry into the technicalities and intentions of taking the Lord's name in vain, and a question about working on the Sabbath. (Originally aired: 10/13/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 16 October 2008
Father Dave talks to Archbishop Charles J. Chaput about his new book "Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life" and the complexities and responsibilities of the faithful at the voting booth. (Originally aired: 09/16/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Direct download: Interview__Archbishop_Chaput_-_Faith_in_Politics.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm EST |
Wed, 15 October 2008
Father Dave talks to Kerry Robinson, founding executive director of the National Leadership Roundtable On Church Management about the administrative side of the church, and also how you can help at your local parish. (Originally aired: 10/20/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Mon, 13 October 2008
Father Dave talks to callers about the phenomenon of "speaking in tongues," and its connection to our faith lives. He also discusses two other areas of intrigue - are there married priests? And when, if ever, should someone cross their arms in the communion line? (Originally aired: 09/22/08, Hour 3) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Sun, 12 October 2008
Team Busted Halo plays "This is Your Life" with Father Dave, as we bring a hilarious person from his past on the show, Dan Klass! Dan (aka Danny the K) was part of the CraZy morning radio show with Father Dave at Syracuse University in the mid-80's! (Originally aired: 09/23/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 25 September 2008
Father Dave interviews Olympic gold-medal winning swimmer Brendan Hansen. (Originally aired: 09/10/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Direct download: Interview__Olympic_Gold-Medal_Swimmer_Brendan_Hansen.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm EST |
Fri, 19 September 2008
On this episode of Mass Class Wednesday, Father Dave answers caller questions about getting a dispensation in order to miss his Sunday obligation, the use of incense in mass, and the sung mass. (Originally aired: 09/10/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Mon, 15 September 2008
On this Rock 'n' Roll Friday, Father Dave interviews former lead guitarist and founding member of the band Korn, Brian "Head" Welch about his new autobiography, "Save Me From Myself: How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs and Lived To Tell My Story." (Originally aired: 08/29/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Mon, 8 September 2008
Father Dave answers two call-in questions in this Mass Class segment: 1) Are there some prayers that are whispered during mass? And what is the difference between a brother and a deacon? (Originally aired: 08/13/08, hour 3) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 28 August 2008
In this segment of the show, Team Busted Halo has a chat about what really goes into the making of a homily, and also wedding readings. Father Dave also handles a sensitive caller question about the difference between a funeral and a memorial. (Originally aired: 08/13/08, hour 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 22 August 2008
In this segment of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave handles caller questions about everything from baptism, emergency cases of anointing of the sick, and group absolution. (Originally aired: 08/12/08, hour 3) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Tue, 19 August 2008
In this segment of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave answers a question of faith regarding the tenets and reasons for a possible annulment. (Originally aired: 08/12/08, hour 3) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Tue, 12 August 2008
In this Free-for-All Friday segment, Father Dave answers questions of faith for those who are, as one listener says, "trying to understand." In this particular clip, Father Dave handles some potentially tricky inquiries about believing all the tenets of the faith, the term "God spoke to me," and why it is important to the community to be forgiven by a priest. (Originally aired: 07/25/08, hour 3) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 8 August 2008
This particular question of faith is definitely one that comes up often these days, regarding where to draw the line in terms of entertainment, temptation and purity on both an individual basis and in a dedicated relationship. (Originally aired: 07/24/08, Hour 1) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 18 July 2008
Father Dave and Team Busted Halo discuss incense, the number of churches, where the eucharist actually comes from, and even the movie "Leap of Faith" with Steve Martin. Originally aired: 07/02/08, Hour 3) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 11 July 2008
Father Dave answers many questions on this Mass Class Wednesday on the Busted Halo Show, including, but not limited to ones regarding: ceboriums, the "sanctus" portion of mass, the regulations on eucharist ingredients, who should be included on the Holy Thursday feet-washing traditions, and what defines a Paulist father? (Originally aired: 07/02/08, Hour 1) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 2 July 2008
During this session of Mass Class Wednesday, people cal in with some things they have been wondering about. For instance, they ask Father Dave about genuflecting at the tabernacle, episcopalians doing confession, how the readings are chosen, and if some wording will be changed at mass soon. (Originally aired: 06/25/08, Hour 2) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Mon, 30 June 2008
In yet another sampling of one singular episode of Mass Class Wednesday, Father Dave answers questions about the different possibilites in certain scenarios. For instance: Aren't there other types of music to be played besides organ music during mass? Are there different options for the eucharistic prayer? And what are the best options for marriage locations? (Originally aired: 06/04/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 26 June 2008
In this episode of Mass Class Wednesday on the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave answers some questions dealing with possible substitutions or variations of some sort, including: "bread of life" instead of "Lamb of God," a blessing in lieu of receiving eucharist, and the word "men" being omitted in the Nicean Creed." (Originally aired: 06/04/08)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 18 June 2008
Father Dave and Team Busted Halo discuss the importance of being on time for mass, not leaving before mass is over, and how to prepare, receive and react to eucharist. There is also some time for some funny chat about on-the-go blessings and Robyn's possible new office. (Originally aired: 06/04/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 12 June 2008
In this segment from Mass Class Wednesday on The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave helps shed some light on questions from listeners on the readings of the day, the eternal virginity of Mary, bowing at the profession of faith, and how to respond to people with a possible negative view of the church's history. (Originally aired: 06/11/08, Hour 1) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 6 June 2008
In this episode of Mass Class Wednesday on The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave handles some call-in questions about some parishioners' fear of germs and the sign of peace, whether or not the GIRM dictates a particular sign of peace, and how to go about starting a young adult ministry. (Originally aired: 05/28/08) The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 4 June 2008
In this episode of Mass Class Wednesday on the Busted Halo Show, listeners call in with the general question: what's the deal? Here, people ask what the deal is with: kneelers, bishops' accessories, and when and how to say amen after receiving the eucharist. (Originally aired: 05/28/08)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 30 May 2008
In this intriguing episode of Mass Class Wednesday, Father Dave and Team Busted Halo come across some interesting questions of faith and fruitful discussion about sins, laws, legality, confession, and background checks. (Originally aired: 05/28/08)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 23 May 2008
Father Dave dispenses some facts and faithful advice here on the Busted Halo Show, on everything from how to receive the eucharist, how to confess correctly, and how to be and/or choose good Godparents.
(Originally aired: 05/21/08, Hour 3)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 22 May 2008
In this episode of Mass Class Wednesday on the Busted Halo show, Father Dave tackles some interesting questions about: the Penitential Rite being in Greek, how to carry and face the crucifix, and how should we hold our hands during the Our Father? (Originally aired: 05/21/08, Hour 1)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 16 May 2008
During this Mass Class Wednesday episode of The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave discusses some questions about the mass and issues of faith with callers. Some of the topics covered here about returning to the church after a long time, if the leftover wine is still consecrated, and what the appropriate sign is to give after receiving communion. (Originally aired: 04/30/08)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 14 May 2008
On this episode of The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave handles some common yet potentially difficult questions of faith from callers, "how do we reconcile our image of a loving God with the wrathful God of the Old Testament?" and "when do other Christian denominations receive the Holy Spirit?" There is also a Mass Class question regarding how to handle the chalice at church. Listen and learn - enjoy! (Originally aired: 04/30/08)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Thu, 8 May 2008
On this portion of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave interviews the lead singer and guitar player of the band Dispatch. He currently plays under his solo moniker Braddigan, performing at awareness concerts and fundraisers for the under-priviliged populations of Nicaragua and around the world. This is the second part of the interview. Part 1 is the previous podcast. (originally aired: 04/28/08, hour 3)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Tue, 6 May 2008
On this portion of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave interviews the lead singer and guitar player of the band Dispatch. He currently plays under his solo moniker Braddigan, performing at awareness concerts and fundraisers for the under-priviliged populations of Nicaragua and around the world. This is the first part of the interview. Part 2 is coming shortly. (originally aired: 04/28/08, hour 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 9 April 2008
On this Mass Class episode of the Busted Halo Show, listeners call in to ask Father Dave questions about the mass (such as about a monstrance and the Apocrypha), and also about particularly difficult issues of faith. Specifically, someone calls with concerns about a loved one that she has lost recently. (Originally aired: 04/01/08, Hour 3, part 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 2 April 2008
On this episode of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave tells us some April Fools stories of years past, and also handles questions of faith from the listeners ranging from how to take in communion, drinking the wine, and why exactly it is a sin to miss mass. (Originally aired: 04/01/08, Hour 3, part 1)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 26 March 2008
In this special edition of Mass Class Wednesday on The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave answers several different questions about Holy Week traditions. Among other topics discussed, Father Dave explains the "breath of life" during the Chrism Mass, the special containers used in these times, and a common question from many people outside the faith: what actually happens at mass? (Originally aired: 03/26/08, Hour 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 21 March 2008
During this Busted Halo show on a Mass Class Wednesday, Father Dave takes a string of calls from listeners about their particular questions about things that they experienced at mass. In this segment, the questions range from the inclusion of the bells, the definition of "tenebrae," who can preach the homily, and in what cases the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can absolve one of mortal sins. (Originally aired: 03/12/08, hour 3)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Tue, 18 March 2008
Father Dave helps us come to terms with the difficulty of trying to interpret the level of fact and fiction and truth in the Bible, particularly in the more poetic and allegorical books such as Job. He also discusses the honorary term "Monsignor," outlines the differences between a diocese and an archdiocese, and listens to a caller describe his recent experience at mass in regards to the readings about Lazarus. (Originally aired: 03/11/08. Hours 1 and 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Tue, 11 March 2008
On this segment of The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave asks listeners What Did You Hear?, about their experience at mass the previous weekend, discusses the news story about the "new sins" released by the Vatican, and also handles issues of faith about what to do if you became upset by a particular decision made by your local pastor. (Originally aired: 03/10/08, Hour 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 5 March 2008
Father Dave sits down with one of the world leaders in the field of mind-body medicine and spirituality, and author of over 50 books about various forms of healing, Deepak Chopra about his new book "The Third Jesus: The Christ We Can Not Ignore." (Originally aired: 02/19/08, Hour 1)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Fri, 29 February 2008
Father Dave gets some help with questions of faith from Father Larry Rice. Some of the intriguing questions include: Do godparents have to be Catholic? Do Sundays count in terms of my Lenten sacrifice? What are some of the differences between Catholic and Presbyterian clergy? And the everlasting issue - when to sit, kneel, and stand during mass? (Originally aired: 02/26/08, Hour 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Mon, 25 February 2008
Father Dave answers many common questions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including: Is it acceptable to receive eucharist before confession? Can anyone go to confession? Can I create my own Act of Contrition, and if so, what should it include? When exactly is one absolved? And the biggie: what should one say in confession? (Excerpted from show originally aired: 02/20/08, hours 1 and 2)
The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 159, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Go to to get subscription information.
Wed, 20 February 2008
In this excerpt from the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave handles some intriguing calls from people with questions of faith regarding integrating a young child into the church, the baptism status of a newborn in a multi-religious household, receiving eucharist after being away from the church, and how to become more involved with your local parish. (originally aired: 02/19/08, hour 1)
Fri, 15 February 2008
This was the first Busted halo Show after the First Sunday of Lent, so Father Dave asks listeners to call in and tell us what they remember from their experience at mass. Father Dave discusses the "classic" readings from this week, the concept of a blessing cup, how to catechize to a child with tricky questions during mass, and we even get a song! (Originally aired: 02/11/08, Hour 1)
Tue, 12 February 2008
Clearly, people are enthralled by the tradition of Ash Wednesday. On this Free-For-All Friday episode of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave continues to talk to callers about their own anecdotes and inquiries about this popular church ritual. Also, what does it mean when there is no Holy Water at church during Lent? (Originally aired: 02/08/08, Hour 1)
Thu, 7 February 2008
During this Mass Class edition of the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave discusses a caller's comment regarding self-proclaimed "Dr. Dino" Kent Hovind, the correlation of different scientific and religious concepts, and how we might integrate science and faith in such a way so as to heighten our appreciation and understanding of both. (Originally aired: 01/23/08, hour 3)
Tue, 5 February 2008
In this special episode of The Busted Halo Show, Father Dave talks to fellow Paulist Father Ricky Manalo about his work in liturgical music, the relationship of composing music to his faith, and his vocation to becoming a Paulist priest. Father Dave also gets some help from Father Ricky in answering questions of faith from the listeners regarding everything from the different versions of the Latin mass, receiving the eucharist, and the concept of "sampling" different types of masses in order to find what works best for you. (Originally aired: 01/23/08, hour 2)
Thu, 31 January 2008
This is excerpted from the last hour of the Busted Halo Show before Father Dave takes off on his parish mission trip in Colorado, and the result is quite amusing. Listen to Father Dave as he has in-depth Q+A with callers, discusses the significance of the Pope's new encyclical, and chats with Team Busted Halo about the importance of ski helmets and disinfectant spray. Added bonus: a special Word-on-the-Street segment where we see what people have to say about their issues of faith out on the streets of New York City. (originally aired 01/04/08, hour 3)
Thu, 24 January 2008
On our segment Free-For-All Friday, Team Busted Halo requests listeners to call with any possible questions of faith that you might have. During this particular episode, somebody may have taken this concept a bit too far, but you be the judge. Father Dave also handles questions regarding forgiveness, Hell, religion in politics, marriage and the priesthood, and the ultimate question: what to do if we arrive late to mass?! (Originally aired: 01/04/08, first hour)
Tue, 15 January 2008
On this first Mass Class Wednesday of the New Year, Father Dave tells Team Busted Halo a New Years' Eve, handles inquiries about the chaplet, transubstantiation, purgatory, and that ever-present question: why is it actually called mass? (Originally aired: 01/02/08)
Tue, 8 January 2008
In this segment from the show, Father Dave handles some interesting and potentially difficult questions of faith, particularly ones about confession, from both callers and Team Busted Halo. (Originally aired: 12/18/07)
Tue, 1 January 2008
Father Dave has an inspiring conversation with best-selling author Mitch Albom, the writer of award-winning books "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." They discuss Mitch's new project "For One More Day," and also his community service and charity projects, the concept of giving, and the beautiful view of life portrayed in his works. (Originally aired: 12/07/07)