Mon, 31 July 2023
Father Dave welcomes New York University Professor and contributing writer for the New York Times, Rachel Swarns, to discuss her book, “The 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church.” |
Wed, 26 July 2023
Father Dave and Brett joined Lino Rulli and Tyler Veghte of “The Catholic Guy Show” on SiriusXM’s Catholic Channel for the “We’re on a Boat Pilgrimage,” a cruise on the Danube River. They traveled with 150 listeners to famous Catholic Churches and cities across Eastern and Central Europe, including Regensburg, Salzburg, Vienna, Bratislava and more. |
Wed, 19 July 2023
Many celebrate milestone birthdays in a special way, and Father Dave welcomes Catholic speaker Mari Pablo to talk about how she’s commemorating age 33 as her “Jesus year.” |
Mon, 17 July 2023
Addiction and substance abuse affects a staggering number of people in the United States, and Father Dave welcomes Keaton Douglas, founder and executive director of the iTHIRST Initiative, to offer resources from a Catholic perspective. The program focuses on spirituality in the prevention, treatment, and aftercare of those suffering from substance use disorders, while also providing support for their families. Keaton is also the co-author of a new book called, “The Road to Hope: Responding to the Crisis of Addiction.” |
Wed, 12 July 2023
After numerous Marian apparitions in 1858 and a rich history of miracles, millions travel to Lourdes, France every year in search of healing. Father Dave interviews Director Thaddeus O’Sullivan about his new movie in theaters, “The Miracle Club,” which follows one group’s fictional pilgrimage to the holy site in the 1960s. The movie hits theaters this weekend.
Mon, 10 July 2023
A listener asks Father Dave for advice about sharing details of his experience during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Dave shares, “Lately, when I go to Confession, [my wife] demands to know what I confessed. I said, ‘I don't think it works that way,’ and she would respond, ‘We're married, we should have no secrets between us’...It is a major thorn, because she's very serious that I should tell her.” |
Wed, 5 July 2023
Team Busted Halo welcomes back musician and friend of the show, Mike Mangione. In addition to his music career, he is also the Director of Events at the Theology of the Body Institute. Mike has toured the world both as a solo folk artist and with his bands, and he discusses his latest Americana album, “Blood & Water,” with Father Dave. |