Wed, 25 September 2019
Bonnie Engstrom, popular Catholic speaker and blogger,discusses her new book, “61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and the True Story of The Impossible,” which chronicles how the intercession of Archbishop Fulton Sheen saved her newborn son’s life |
Mon, 23 September 2019
A listener named Pat calls into the show with a question about Saint Paul’s letters. Pat’s noticed that most of the second readings at Mass are read from Paul’s writings. He wonders why we don’t read letters from other saints or other books of the Bible more often at Mass. Original Air 9-18-19 |
Wed, 11 September 2019
A caller named Missy asks why some parishes don’t kneel during Mass. She explains that she recently moved to a new town and noticed that none of the parishes she has visited kneel. She wonders why this is the case. |
Mon, 9 September 2019
A listener named Steven, who is Byzantine Catholic, asks if Byzantine Catholic children can receive Communion in the Roman Catholic Church. He explains that his children are younger than the age when Roman Catholic children traditionally make their First Communion, but have already received the Sacrament of Eucharist in the Byzantine rite. Original Air 9-04-19 |