Mon, 17 December 2018
Curtis Martin, Founder of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), stops by the studio to discuss his new book, “Making Missionary Disciples: How to Live the Method Modeled by the Master.” Original Air 12-06-18 |
Wed, 12 December 2018
A listener named Amanda asks, “How do I ask for a saint’s intercession without praying to them?” Amanda shares that she became Catholic a year ago and is still trying to understand how to pray to saints without it feeling like we are worshipping them. Father Dave explains the difference between intercession and worship. (Original Air 12-05-18) |
Mon, 3 December 2018
Leanna Holmes, Development Officer for Cross Catholic Outreach, discusses Box of Joy – a charitable initiative providing for impoverished children around the world in the name of Christ. Leanna explains how the program works, how to get involved and her own experience with the organization. (Original Air 11-07-18) |
Mon, 26 November 2018
A listener named Pam asks about the tradition of praying the Liturgy of the Hours. She explains that she knows that it’s prayed during specific hours of the day, but she’s not sure why. Father Dave points out that the practice of praying the Liturgy of the Hours began in monastic communities as a way to offer the day back to God, and it is a prayer accessible to all Christians. (Original Air 11-07-18) |
Mon, 19 November 2018
A listener named Deanne asks, “Why do we pray, ‘world without end’ if the world is going to end?” Father Dave explains that when we use this phrase, we're not talking about the physical world, rather we are referring to the eternal world, heaven. Original Air 10-30-18 |
Wed, 14 November 2018
Actor Mark Wahlberg discusses his new film, “Instant Family” with Father Dave. He also talks about the importance of his faith and the work of his charity, The Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation. Original Air 10-31-18 |
Wed, 7 November 2018
Mina Guli, Global athlete and founder of Thirst, stops by the studio to discuss her challenge of running 100 marathons in 100 days to raise awareness of the world’s water crisis. She explains what we can all do to improve our current conditions. Original Air 11-01-18 |
Mon, 5 November 2018
Catholic comedian Judy McDonald stops by the studio with her service dog, Oprah, to discuss PTSD, comedy, and surviving breast cancer. She explains how her faith has influenced her comedy, and how the gift of humor has gotten her through difficult times. Original Air 10-25-18 |
Mon, 29 October 2018
A listener named Michelle calls into the show and shares that a good friend decided to leave the Catholic Church due to the clergy abuse scandals. Michelle understands her friend’s frustration but is upset to see her leave. Father Dave explains that there is nothing wrong with feeling upset that her friend left the Church, and we should be honest about how we feel, but not alienate anyone in the process. Original Air 10-23-18 |
Wed, 24 October 2018
A listener named Sean calls into the show with a question for Father Dave about sacramentals. Sean isn’t Catholic and asks Father Dave how and why sacramentals, things such as Rosaries and medals, are not superstitious. Father Dave explains that sacramentals are meant to be tangible reminders of the Divine in our lives. Original Air 10-22-18 |
Mon, 22 October 2018
Friend of the show Rabbi Brad Hirschfield stops by to discuss upcoming Jewish holidays, Brett Kavanaugh, and Hurricane Michael, and how we can turn to God amidst everything happening in our world. Original Air 10-11-18 |
Tue, 2 October 2018
Singer, speaker, and author Julianna Zobrist stops by the studio to discuss her new book, “Pull it Off: Removing Your Fears and Putting on Confidence.” She chats with Father Dave about how to grow in confidence, exercise our courage, and be free to be the people God has created us to be. Original Air 9-17-18 |
Mon, 1 October 2018
Shawn Carney, president and CEO of the pro-life advocacy group 40 Days for Life, stops by the studio to discuss the organization's work and how it has changed lives. He explains how he was inspired to start 40 Days for Life, and God's hand in all of it. 9-13-18 |
Thu, 27 September 2018
A listener named Beth asks about the Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. Father Dave explains that the Church does not have any official teaching on the Charismatic Renewal. It is not suppressed by the Church, but we do not see it as often because it's not the mainstream form of prayer and worship in many Catholic communities, and also because it has ties to certain cultures. Original Air 9-06-18 |
Wed, 26 September 2018
Julie emails the show and asks a question about the Book of Life, which has been discussed a few times in her apologetics class. Father Dave explains that we see references to the Book of Life in the Book of Revelation, but that a lot of the Book of Revelation uses metaphorical language and symbolism, which makes it difficult to conclude that there is an actual book that gets one into Heaven. Original Air 9-13-18 |
Wed, 26 September 2018
A listener named Kathy calls into the show and asks, "Are we able to skip purgatory if we receive the Anointing of the Sick before death?" Kathy shares that she was taught this, and Father Dave explains that it's actually incorrect. He says that while our sins are forgiven by God, we still owe temporal punishment to purify ourselves. Original Air 9-18-18 |
Mon, 24 September 2018
Three leading men from "Unbroken: Path to Redemption" stop by the studio to discuss the new film. Luke Zamperini, son of Louis Zamperini, Evangelist Will Graham, who plays his grandfather, Billy Graham, and actor Samuel Hunt share their experience working on the movie, which follows the story of Louis Zamperini’s return to the US after being a prisoner of war, and his journey to faith and healing. They each share how Louis' story has inspired their own lives. Original Air 9-10-18 |
Mon, 24 September 2018
A listener named Al asks, "Is it possible for Anglicans and Catholics to be in communion?" Father Dave explains that, under Pope Benedict, we made efforts to provide an avenue for those who wish to return to being in communion with the Catholic Church to do so. Pope Benedict gave the option for those in the Anglican community to come into full communion with the Church but still be able to use their common book of prayer and some other Anglican traditions. Original Air 9-18-18 |
Fri, 21 September 2018
A listener named Robert writes into the show to ask about the proper pronunciation of "amen." This turns into a follow-up discussion with Team Busted Halo about the meaning of amen. Christina mentions that she was taught in school that amen means, "I believe." Father Dave explains that amen is a way to respond to three different things, and that this teaching comes from Saint Augustine. Original Air 9-17-18 |
Wed, 19 September 2018
Ben Malcolmson, Assistant to Seattle Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll, joins us to discuss his new book, "Walk On: From Pee Wee Dropout to the NFL Sidelines-- My Unlikely Story of Football, Purpose, and Following an Amazing God." Ben shares his story of a seemingly failed attempt at evangelization, and the remarkable way that God showed him years later that He uses all of our efforts. Original Air 9-06-18 |
Mon, 17 September 2018
A caller named Cindy shares her experience explaining the Church scandal to her teens. Cindy explained to them that Jesus is always at the center of our faith, even if people sin; and that not all priests are bad. She asks Father Dave if this was the right way to address it. Father Dave affirms Cindy and says that while we don't make excuses for this behavior, our faith is in Jesus, who has entrusted the Church to humans who are not perfect. Original Air 9-04-18 |
Mon, 17 September 2018
A caller named Sharon asks if Canon Law prohibits the laity from making decisions in the Church (besides doctrine). Father Dave explains that while there are certain decisions that fall only under the bishops' jurisdiction, there are many areas where the laity has a say in decision-making, like the National Review Board. Original Air 9-12-18 |
Mon, 10 September 2018
A listener named Sean shares that he went to Confession, and then his wife went in after him to the same priest. He explains that the priest told his wife some things Sean had said in Confession, but not his sins. He asks Father Dave if this is breaking the Seal of Confession. Father Dave explains the technicalities of the Seal of Confession, and explains that in this case, there was no violation. Original Air 9-05-18 |
Tue, 28 August 2018
Jonathan Merritt, senior columnist for Religion News Service and contributing writer to The Atlantic, joins us to discuss his new book, "Learning to Speak God from Scratch: Why Sacred Words Are Vanishing and How We Can Revive Them." He explains that words shape our culture and our habits, and it is important to go bring back the language of faith. Original Air 8-21-18 |
Mon, 27 August 2018
A listener emails the show, explaining that he was abused for several years, and his abuser won't acknowledge the wrongdoing. He asks Father Dave how he can find forgiveness in his heart if this person won’t admit their offense, and wonders if forgiveness is dependent upon another person being willing to repent. Father Dave explains that we are called to forgive even if someone won't admit that they are wrong, and that forgiveness also helps us heal. |
Wed, 22 August 2018
Brett shares that he returned to Confession after being away for a few years, and talks about his experience. Father Dave and Christina also share what the Sacrament of Reconciliation has meant to their faith lives. Original Air 8-14-18 |
Mon, 20 August 2018
NFL Hall-of-Famer and New York Times best-selling author, Tony Dungy and his wife, early childhood educational specialist, Lauren Dungy stop by the studio to discuss their new children’s books, “Maria Finds Courage” and “Austin Plays Fair.” They also talk about how their faith influences every aspect of their lives. Original Air 8-8-18 |
Wed, 15 August 2018
Father Dave and Team Busted Halo react to the Pennsylvania grand jury report of 300 priests abusing minors over decades. Father Dave expresses his anger and frustration, and emphasizes that it's time for the Church to own its mistakes. Original Air 8-15-18 |
Mon, 13 August 2018
Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, chats with Father Dave about the organization's work building communities for persecuted Christians, and spreading awareness throughout the U.S. with their new icon, Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians. Anderson also discusses the Ultrasound Initiative, which provides free ultrasound machines to pregnancy centers to help in the pro-life cause. Original Air 8-07-18 |
Wed, 8 August 2018
Today we feature a listener named Trisha, who's participating in the Father Dave 30-Day Challenge. Trisha shares that she has decided to join Father Dave in losing 10 pounds, and talks about how her journey is going so far. Trisha shares that adding exercise into her routine is helping, and it allows her to spend more time with her kids outdoors. Father Dave encourages Trisha to keep up the good work. Original Air 8-02-18 |
Mon, 6 August 2018
A listener named Craig asks, "What are the benefits of praying to saints?" Father Dave explains that asking for the intercession of saints is a great tool for helping us get in touch with God. Following the examples of the saints is helpful in living out our own lives of faith, and the saints can be a community of support for us as well. Original Air 7-26-18 |
Thu, 2 August 2018
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave discusses today's Gospel reading in which Jesus performs the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish. Father Dave reflects on the question, "Do we have enough?" We tend to never be satisfied, want more, or feel that we don't have enough to give. Father Dave reminds us that God always gives us enough, and we should be thankful and satisfied with what we have. Preached at Saint Mary's on the Lake, Lake George, NY on 7-29-18 |
Wed, 1 August 2018
Dr. John Bergsma, scripture scholar and friend of the show, stops by the studio to help Father Dave answer questions of faith. A caller named Alan asks, "How do we know if Noah’s ark or any of the stories in the Bible are actual accounts, or if they are just metaphorical?” Dr. Bergsma explains that Pope Pius XII released an encyclical in the 1950s which explains a framework for interpreting scriptures, and that the Church can help us to better understand the Bible. Original Air 7-24-18 |
Mon, 30 July 2018
Jack Levison, Chair of Old Testament Interpretation at at Perkins School of Theology, and Dr. Robert Fine, a palliative care physician, stop by the studio to discuss the spirituality of end of life care, and what ancient texts can teach us about pain and suffering. Original Air 5-15-18 |
Mon, 23 July 2018
A caller named Johanna shares that she baptized her grandson in secret because her daughter-in-law left the Church, and asks if it counts. Father Dave explains that theologically it does count as a Christian baptism, and encourages her be honest with her family. (Original Air 9-27-13) |
Mon, 2 July 2018
Chloe Howard stops by the studio to discuss her new book, "Stand Beautiful: A Story of Brokenness, Beauty, and Embracing it All." Chloe shares that she was born with a club foot, and describes the bullying and assault she faced for her appearance. She shares how she overcame it all, and how she is using her story to inspire others. Original Air 6-25-18 |
Thu, 28 June 2018
Friend of the show Heather King stops by the studio to discuss her new book, "Famished: A Food Memoir with Recipes," and her other recent writing. Heather shares the inspiration for her column at Magnificat, and the great people she has met along her career journey. (Original Air 6-25-18) |
Thu, 28 June 2018
Jim emails the show and asks, "Was Judas' betrayal part of God's plan? And if so, why was he condemned?" Father Dave explains that while God did use Judas' actions to fulfill the plan of salvation, it was not necessary for God's plans. He points out that Judas had free will. He also explains that the Church has never claimed or taught that Judas is in hell. (Original Air 6-27-18) |
Thu, 28 June 2018
Father Dave discusses the recent announcement from the Archdiocese of Baltimore that will allow weddings to be held outside. He explains the mindset behind this decision, and how it may be a way to evangelize. Original Air 6-13-18 |
Mon, 25 June 2018
Father Dave discusses the recent sexual abuse allegations against Cardinal McCarrick of the Archdiocese of Washington. He explains the investigation process and expresses his heartfelt regrets about this horrible abuse. Original Air 6-20-18 |
Wed, 20 June 2018
A listener named Margaret shares that she is angry with the Church because her oldest child was abused by a priest, and her grandson with special needs had to be removed from a Catholic school due to a lack of resources to assist him. She asks Father Dave how she can heal from the resentment she has toward the Church. Father Dave points out that she has valid reasons to be upset, and suggests being honest with God in prayer and finding a support group. Original Air 6-12-18 |
Mon, 18 June 2018
A listener named Todd shares that he has recently returned to the Church after being away for 20 years. He asks, “What is the correct way to pray?” Todd explains that because there are so many different kinds of prayers, he often gets confused. Father Dave encourages him to try conversational prayer, but to also use prayerful resources of the Church, such as the Liturgy of the Hours. Original Air 6-06-18 |
Thu, 14 June 2018
A caller named Steve asks, "Why do you need to be in a state of grace to receive Communion?" If someone is not in a state of grace, wouldn't the Eucharist help them become closer to Christ? Father Dave explains that if we are not in a state of grace, it means that we are in state of mortal sin, which severs our relationship with God. He also highlights a passage from 1 Corinthians, in which St. Paul says that if we receive Communion unworthily we eat and drink judgement on ourselves. Original Air 6-06-18 |
Wed, 13 June 2018
A caller named Dan wonders if the language at Mass is becoming less community-focused. He cites the language shift from "we believe" to "I believe" in the Creed as an example. Father Dave explains that the new translation is a more literal translation of the Mass, and therefore more accurate. He also points out that the Latin word "credo" in the Creed, translates to "I believe" which is why we have corrected it in English. Original Air 6-04-18 |
Mon, 11 June 2018
Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville joins us to discuss his new documentary, "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" a film that tells the story of children’s television host Fred Rogers and the impact he had on the world. Morgan discusses Mr. Rogers' religious background, his goal for the show, as well as how he subtly tackled social issues. Original Air 6-07-18 |
Thu, 7 June 2018
A caller named Eric asks why Catholics believe in Mary's perpetual virginity if the Bible states that Jesus had brother and sisters, and that Mary and Joseph did not consummate their marriage until after the wedding? Father Dave points out that the Catholic Church does not rely on Scripture alone, we also follow Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Father Dave also explains the Greek translations, and notes that "brother" was used to mean both blood brothers and cousins. Original Air 6-04-18 |
Wed, 6 June 2018
Friend of the show Rabbi Brad Hirschfield stops by to talk about the recent controversy surrounding Roseanne Barr, the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, and the Jewish view of the Holy Spirit. He also discusses the recent move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and the potential consequences. Original Air 5-31-18 |
Mon, 4 June 2018
Father Stephen Gadberry, a priest in the diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas, joins us to chat about this appearance on the NBC show "American Ninja Warrior." He reveals how he got the chance to compete, and shares his hopes for evangelization through the experience. Original Air 5-29-18 |
Mon, 4 June 2018
Jamie emails the show and asks about the Bible's distinction between Jesus and the Jews. Father Dave explains that we see this particularly in the Gospel of John. John almost always places the phrase "the Jews" in quotes. Father Dave explains that this is not in reference to all Jewish people, but rather the Jewish people in power that were after Jesus, such as the Pharisees. Original Air 4-04-17 |
Wed, 30 May 2018
A listener named Jim asks, “How do I follow along at Mass in a different language?” Jim is currently living in St. Croix and helping with hurricane relief, and Mass is celebrated in Spanish. He has a hard time following along, and it bothers him that he doesn’t leave church with a message. Father Dave suggests going over the readings before Mass so that he can be more familiar with what is being discussed, and listening to homilies from English-speaking priests online. He also points out that while the language barrier can be tough, the real reason we are there is for the Eucharist. Original Air 4-25-18 |
Tue, 29 May 2018
A listener named Michael calls into the show and shares that when he recently went to Confession, the priest gave him absolution before he even confessed his sins and then left. Michael asks Father Dave if his Confession was valid. Father Dave explains that even though he didn't get the opportunity to confess his sins, the absolution still counts because the proper matter and form (what make up a Sacrament) were present. Original Air 3-14-18 |
Fri, 25 May 2018
A listener named Carl asks, “During an ordination, when is the exact moment that a deacon becomes a priest?” Father Dave explains that this occurs during the time when the bishop lays his hands on the heads of those being ordained, and when the ordination prayer is prayed. Original Air 5-17-18 |
Wed, 23 May 2018
Diana Mao, President and Co-Founder of Nomi Network discusses the work her organization does to fight human trafficking. Diana talks about how Nomi Network started, shares stories of the women impacted by the organization, and explains how others can get involved. Original Air 5-14-18 |
Mon, 21 May 2018
A caller named Carlos asks, "What does the Church teach about the death penalty?" Carlos believes that in order to be fully pro-life, we must not support the death penalty. Father Dave explains that the Catechism is clear that the death penalty in our modern world should be nonexistent. We should be merciful and respect the dignity of every human person. Original Air 5-8-18 |
Mon, 21 May 2018
A caller named Alesia asks, "Is it true that we should only receive Communion from a priest or a deacon?" Father Dave points out that the practice of Eucharistic Ministers was approved by Vatican II. He explains that it would be wrong to say that someone cannot receive the Eucharist from a Eucharistic minister. Original Air 5-8-18 |
Wed, 16 May 2018
Author, professor, and friend of the show, Dr. Edward Sri discusses his new book, "Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ." He explains how the modern person can live as a disciple by focusing on the four pillars of prayer, fellowship, the Sacraments, and the teachings of Christ. Original Air 4-10-18 |
Thu, 10 May 2018
A caller named Deanna follows up on young boy's question about how Noah was able to fit all of the animals on the ark. Father Dave explained that it was not Noah, but God who fit the animals on the ark. Deanna shares that in RCIA she was taught that the story of Noah was not literal, but an allegory. Father Dave explains that the writers use hyperbole and we don't have to take the story literally, but that Church also does not state that we are not supposed to take it literally. Original Air 4-18-18 |
Thu, 10 May 2018
A caller named MJ shares that she recently attended a service at her fiancé’s Methodist church. She did not participate in the church's communion, and wonders if this was the right thing to do. Father Dave explains that the Catholic Church prefers that we do not receive communion in other denominations that are not in communion with us. It is a sin to do so, because this action sends a message that we believe the same thing. Father Dave explains that there is nothing wrong with attending this service, and it is a good way to be in community with those of other faith backgrounds. Original Air 5-08-18 |
Thu, 10 May 2018
A caller explains that her Lutheran husband doesn't understand why Catholics believe Jesus is fully present in both the bread and the wine, yet we do not have to receive both species. She asks Father Dave how the Host is not solely Christ's flesh and the wine not solely His blood. Father Dave explains the principal of concomitance, which explains that transubstantiation changes the inner substance into the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. Original Air 4-19-18 |
Mon, 7 May 2018
Lauren Green, Chief Religion Correspondent for Fox News, talks with Father Dave about her new book, "Lighthouse Faith: God as a Living Reality in a World Immersed in Fog." Lauren discusses old philosophical and theological principles and applies them to our modern lives. Original Air 4-23-18 |
Wed, 2 May 2018
Carrie Barratt, Deputy Director for Collections for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, stops by the show to discuss this year's MET Gala theme, "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination." Barratt explains how the exhibit came to be, and talks about some items in the collection, such as papal vestments from the Sistine Chapel Sacristy that have never before left the Vatican. Original Air 5-01-18 |
Wed, 2 May 2018
A caller shares that her cousin recently died by suicide, and asks what the Church teaches about whether or not victims of suicide go to Heaven. Father Dave explains that the Church does not teach that all people who die this way go to Hell. Although our lives are not ours to dispose of, the Catechism assures us of God's mercy. Original Air 4-12-18 |
Mon, 30 April 2018
A caller named Mona asks, "Are the Sacraments and Mass valid if a priest is in a state of mortal sin?" Father Dave answers that yes, as long as the priest is validly ordained and uses the proper matter and form during the Mass, Sacraments are valid, even if the priest is not in a state of grace. He explains the difference between licit and valid, and points out that the priest should not celebrate Mass while in the state of mortal sin, but if he does, it affects him personally, but does not affect the rest of us. Original Air 8-30-17 |
Tue, 24 April 2018
A caller named Mike asks, "Who is the 'beloved' disciple mentioned in the Gospels?" Father Dave points out that the mention of the beloved disciple only occurs in the Gospel of John, and the phrase refers to the Apostle John. It's possible that this phrase is used as a statement of humility, in not wanting to name himself. Original Air 4-10-18 |
Tue, 24 April 2018
A listener named Mike asks about records of apostolic succession and the laying on of hands by the bishops. Father Dave explains that there are websites that keep track of ordinations tracing back to the 1500s; however, we do not have much information before that. Father Dave points out that the Holy Spirit has been keeping apostolic succession together all these years, and in the Acts of the Apostles when the Sanhedrin wanted to kill Peter and the apostles, Gamaliel proclaims that if Christianity was man-made it would not last, but if it is from God no one will be able to destroy it. Original Air 5-10-16 |
Mon, 23 April 2018
Dr. Charlie Camosy, professor, author, and friend of the show, joins us to discuss important ethical issues such as abortion, artificial intelligence, and the current case surrounding terminally ill toddler Alfie Evans. Father Dave and Dr. Camosy share a Catholic perspective on the Alfie Evans case, and discuss Pope Francis' role in this situation. Original air 4-19-18 |
Wed, 18 April 2018
A caller named Katie asks about Jesus' pre-ministry life. Father Dave explains that nobody knows what Jesus did from the ages of 12-29, which is why these are called the hidden years of Jesus. He points out that if we focus on the Jewish culture of that time, it's likely that Jesus lived at home with his parents; and it's also likely that Joseph died before his public ministry, so Jesus, as the only son, would have been taking care of Mary and working to support his mother. Original Air 4-09-18 |
Mon, 16 April 2018
Dating... it's not what it used to be. Father Dave sits down with Megan Harrington, producer of the new documentary "The Dating Project," and Chris Meehan, who appears in the movie. The film follows five single people as they try to find meaningful romantic relationships in the midst of a hookup culture. Megan and Chris share how this project is necessary to start a conversation about getting back to the basics of dating. Original Air 3-20-18 |
Wed, 11 April 2018
Father Dave and Team Busted Halo discuss Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation, "Gaudete et Exsultate” (Rejoice and be glad). Father Dave discusses the pope’s call to holiness and how to live that out in our everyday lives through practices such as such as discernment, mission, and mercy. Original Air 4-10-18 |
Tue, 10 April 2018
A caller named Drew asks, "How do I avoid impure thoughts while I'm praying?" He explains his mind wanders off during prayer and drifts toward impure thoughts. He doesn't understand what's causing this, and asks if he is doing something wrong. Father Dave suggests including this in his prayer, and asking God to help him with this temptation, instead of pretending it's not happening and pushing it out of his mind. Original Air 3-26-18 |
Wed, 4 April 2018
Actress, Hollywood producer, and friend of the show Roma Downey discusses her new book, "Box of Butterflies: Discovering the Unexpected Blessings All Around Us." She shares stories that shaped her life, like losing her parents, and how focusing on the blessings in her life gives her hope and a desire to help others. Original Air 3-08-18 |
Wed, 4 April 2018
A fan named Kelly asks, "What does it mean when someone is referred to as a Doctor of the Church?" Father Dave explains that this is an honorary title given to some saints. He points out that they must be a saint who has contributed significantly to Church doctrine or the understanding of the faith. He highlights the examples of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Saint Teresa of Avila, both Doctors of the Church. Original Air 10-18-17 |
Mon, 2 April 2018
Catholic priest and singer Father Rob Galea stops by the show to discuss his new book, "Breakthrough: A Journey from Desperation to Hope." Father Rob shares stories of his troubled childhood during which he was involved with drugs and gangs, and explains how his life turned around when he found a relationship with Christ. Original Air 3-16-18 |
Mon, 2 April 2018
A caller named Brittany asks if we should bow before receiving Communion. Father Dave explains that the general instruction in the Roman Missal recommends that the faithful should display a sign of reverence prior to receiving the Eucharist, but they leave this act of reverence up to individual diocese or the bishops' conference for specific countries. He points out that the instructions from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recommends a simple bow of the head. Original Air 2-28-18 |
Wed, 28 March 2018
A caller named Theresa asks, "Why do we kiss the Cross on Good Friday if it's not the actual Cross that Jesus died on?" Theresa shares that it seems that we are worshiping the Cross. Father Dave explains that the Cross is the instrument of our salvation, therefore, we venerate it because of the importance of what it represents. He also points out the difference between veneration and worship. Original Air 3-28-18 |
Wed, 28 March 2018
Jesuit priest and physicist Father Robert Spitzer shares his thoughts on the recent passing of Stephen Hawking. Father Spitzer also discusses proof for the existence of God, how faith and science can go together, and how to handle suffering through the lens of faith. Original Air 3-15-18 |
Tue, 27 March 2018
A caller named Fred wonders why nobody recognized Jesus after the resurrection, as mentioned in Luke's Gospel. Father Dave explains that it's possible that people didn't recognize him because he was in his resurrected body, or that there could have been a theological reason as to why Jesus was not recognizable. The disciples finally recognize him at dinner when he breaks the bread. Father Dave points out that it seems more plausible from that Gospels that this was intentional. Original Air 7-26-17 |
Thu, 22 March 2018
Are we excused from our Lenten obligation of abstaining from meat if we're mourning the loss of someone? A listener named Sue explains that she works with a ministry that brings meals to those who are mourning, and was asked to bring a family meals which contained meat on a Friday during Lent. She wonders if this is sinful. Father Dave explains that the family may have forgotten about abstaining from meat on Fridays because their mind is focused on the loss of a loved one, but that we should cater to them and use our own judgment. Original Air 3-07-18 |
Thu, 22 March 2018
A recent convert to Catholicism wonders if the sins from the past forty years that he forgets to confess have been forgiven. Father Dave explains that because the priest was aware that it was his first Confession, the priest understands that it's unlikely for a someone to remember every sin they've ever committed, so their sins are still forgiven. Father Dave also encourages him to confess a sin that he remembers if it is weighing heavy on his heart. Original Air 1-25-18 |
Wed, 21 March 2018
A caller named Michael asks, "Is Confession useful if I'm not sorry for all of my sins?" Father Dave points out that the Sacraments are where we experience God's grace, and even though he may not be sorry for all of his sins, the grace from the Sacrament might help him to recognize the effects of his behavior. Father Dave also encourages him to speak to a priest or spiritual director. Original Air 3-01-18 |
Wed, 21 March 2018
A listener named Brian visits the studio and asks Father Dave, "What does the priest whisper before he takes Communion?" Father Dave explains that the Roman Missal instructs the priest to pray, "May the Body of Christ keep me safe for life eternal." Father Dave points out that this happens after we sing the Lamb of God, and before he distributes Communion to the congregation. Original Air 7-26-17 |
Wed, 21 March 2018
A caller named Cathleen asks, "Why does the crowd say that Jesus is calling Elijah on the Cross?" Father Dave explains that it's likely the Jews misinterpreted him, but it is also very likely that they were mocking him. He points out that the Jews expect Elijah to come before the Messiah, and since Elijah had not returned, they were mocking Jesus, thinking he was calling to Elijah for help. Father Dave also points out that we should reflect on how we might mishear Jesus in our own lives. Original Air 4-19-17 |
Tue, 20 March 2018
A young listener named Erin asks, "Why do we visit seven different churches on Holy Thursday?" Father Dave explains that this tradition comes from Rome, and isn't obligatory for Catholics. Father Dave references the procession of the Blessed Sacrament at the end of the Holy Thursday Mass, and points out our attempt to stay awake and pray with Jesus, a tradition that comes from Scripture in which the apostles fell asleep and did not pray with Jesus. Original Air 4-12-17 |
Mon, 19 March 2018
A listener named Jim asks, "Why is the Easter Vigil Mass so long?" Father Dave explains that in addition to everything we do at a regular Sunday Mass, there are several special rituals reserved for the Easter Mass, like the Sacraments of Initiation for the RCIA candidates, extra readings, and the blessing of the Paschal candle. Original Air 4-12-17 |
Mon, 12 March 2018
A caller named Peter asks, "Where and how did we get the Luminous mysteries?" Father Dave explains that the Luminous mysteries were instituted by St. John Paul II, consist of events from the life of Christ, and are specifically scriptural. Father Dave draws from Rosarium Virginis Mariae, John Paul II's apostolic letter explaining why these mysteries were incorporated in the rosary. Father Dave also explains the difference between the Nicene and Apostles Creeds. Original Air 9-30-13 |
Mon, 12 March 2018
A caller named Michael asks, "What is the difference between a basilica, cathedral, and regular church?" Michael recently attended Mass at a basilica and it made him wonder why we call churches by different names. Father David explains that a Cathedral is the seat of the bishop in a diocese. A basilica is designated by the Pope, and a regular parish is under the authority of a priest. Original Air 1-16-18 |
Sun, 11 March 2018
A listener named Augustine asks, "Is getting paid a salary for hours that you didn't work offensive to God?" Augustine explains he'll occasionally leave work early, but still gets paid for a full eight-hour shift because he is a salaried employee. Father Dave says that as long as we are not intentionally cheating the system, we should be in good conscience that we are not doing anything wrong. Original Air 2-27-18 |
Fri, 9 March 2018
A young fan named Liam asks, "Why does the priest bless the deacon before reading the Gospel?" Liam shares that he is an altar server and has noticed this while serving. Father Dave explains that the instructions state that the deacon should ask for the priest's blessing. So, the priest is delegating the deacon to proclaim the Gospel. Father Dave also points out that the prayer prayed over the deacon is the same prayer that the priest would pray himself before reading the Gospel. Original Air 6-07-17 |
Tue, 6 March 2018
A caller named Cat asks if smoking is a sin and if so, do we have to go to Confession? Father Dave explains that The Church doesn't explicitly say that smoking is a sin, but points out that we could make an argument that any way in which we intentionally abuse our bodies is sinful. Original Air 12-16-14 |
Mon, 5 March 2018
A fan named Theresa wonders why her parish priest chants the Gospel at Mass, as she finds it difficult to follow. Father Dave explains that chanting parts of the Mass is encouraged by the Roman Missal. He points out that it is not mandatory and is not theologically preferred, but it is a part of our Catholic tradition. Original Air 6-15-17 |
Mon, 5 March 2018
A caller named Leah asks, "What are we asking for when we pray, 'say the word and my soul shall be healed?'" Father Dave explains that this line comes from the Gospel of Matthew, in which the centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant. Father Dave notes that we pray this prayer as an act of humility and an expression of faith. Original Air 2-6-18 |
Wed, 28 February 2018
A listener named Michael asks Father Dave and Christina if they have any tips for lectors. Father Dave explains that it's important to make eye contact and not to read too quickly. Christina suggests going over the readings beforehand, and praying before Mass. Original Air 2-21-18 |
Wed, 28 February 2018
Popular Catholic author and speaker Dr. Scott Hahn discusses his new book, "The Fourth Cup: Unveiling the Mystery of the Last Supper and the Cross." Father Dave and Dr. Hahn discuss his conversion story and how the story of the Last Supper led him to the Catholic Church. Original Air 2-20-18 |
Mon, 26 February 2018
A listener named Dan asks, “Why would the Holy Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted in the desert?” Father Dave explains that while Jesus is fully divine, He is also fully human, and experienced everything that we experience, including temptation So, it could be part of the divine plan that Jesus experienced all that is humanity. Original Air 3-09-17 |
Wed, 21 February 2018
Friend of the show Rabbi Brad Hirschfield stops by to discuss faith in the midst of certain "hot button" issues plaguing our society. The topics include Lent and fasting, Shaun White, and the #MeToo movement. Original Air 2-15-18 |
Mon, 19 February 2018
A listener named Bill asks, "Are we allowed to work on Sundays?" Father Dave explains that the Catechism states that the faithful are to refrain from work and any activity that hinder the worship owed to God. He points out that legitimate family needs do not make this possible sometimes, and in those cases, work is excusable. Original Air 3-07-17 |
Thu, 15 February 2018
A caller named Julie asks, "Is anyone other than a priest allowed to preach a homily?" Father Dave explains that only ordained people: deacons, priests, or bishops, can preach a homily at Mass. He points out that homilies aren't the only type of preaching in the Catholic Church, and there are some situations in which a layperson can preach, like prayer services. However, this wouldn't be considered a homily. Original Air 2-07-18 |
Wed, 14 February 2018
Christina shares that her nephew will soon be baptized, but she heard that baptisms should not be performed during Lent. She asks Father Dave if this is true, and if so, why. Father Dave explains that Lent is a time for Catholics to prepare for the baptismal waters of the Resurrection, therefore, baptisms are not usually performed during Lent, however it is usually up to the parish. He also points out that there are exceptions for emergencies. Original Air 01-04-18. |
Mon, 12 February 2018
It's the Lenten question Father Dave receives most often! "Do Sundays count during Lent?" A caller named Michelle shares that growing up, her mom told her Sundays were not included in her Lenten sacrifice. Father Dave explains that Sundays do, in fact, count. When we celebrate Sunday Mass during Lent, the Church still calls them Sundays in Lent. He also explains the Catholic definition of fasting, and that our Lenten sacrifices generally do not count as fasting. Original Air 2-07-18 |
Wed, 7 February 2018
A caller named Jennifer asks, "How do I explain to my non-Catholic family members that Confession is important?" She explains that her son is preparing for his first Reconciliation, and she wants to describe to her family why we have this Sacrament. Father Dave explains that sin is communal and it affects everyone, so Confession is a way for us to hold ourselves accountable and receive God's mercy. Original Air 2-06-18 |