Sun, 29 May 2016
Is a person who receives Last Rites still required to go to Confession? And how do deaf people partake in the Sacrament? Team Busted Halo tackles questions about Reconciliation in today's podcast. (Original Air 05-11-16)
Direct download: 05-11-16_Last_Rights_and_Deaf_Confession.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:38am EST |
Wed, 25 May 2016
Is a person who receives Last Rites still required to go to Confession? And how do deaf people partake in the Sacrament? Team Busted Halo tackles questions about Reconciliation in today's podcast. (Original Air 05-11-16)
Direct download: 05-18-16_Priest_and_Deacon_Ordination.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:28pm EST |
Tue, 24 May 2016
Father Dave reflects on an emotional day during which he attended the funeral of a childhood friend's dad and visited the nearby grave of his own father. (Original Air 05-17-16)
Direct download: 05-17-16_Father_Dave_Reflects_on_Funeral.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:44pm EST |
Sun, 22 May 2016
Father Dave gives advice to a women who is having a difficult time forgiving people in her life who have sexually, physically, and mentally abused her for many years. She is concerned that if she can't truly forgive these people that she may be risking eternal damnation. (Original Air 05-12-16)
Direct download: 05-12-16_Fr.Dave_Concils_Sexual_Abuse_Victim.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:21pm EST |
Thu, 19 May 2016
Is the Holy Spirit a he, she, or even an it? This is just one of the questions Brett has for Father Dave about the Holy Spirit, something Brett finds both fascinating and confusing at the same time. (Original Air 05-13-16)
Direct download: 05-13-16_Brett_and_Father_Dave_Talk_Holy_Spirit.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:41pm EST |
Tue, 17 May 2016
"Pope Francis said what about ordaining women?" You may have heard a lot of different interpretations and rumors surrounding this big news story coming out of the Vatican. Thankfully, we have Phyllis Zagano, expert on women's roles in the church, to clear all of this up for us and give us some insight on the possibility of this actually happening. (Original Air 05-12-16) |
Sun, 15 May 2016
Does the Church have a stance on marijuana? This question has gained a lot of attention recently, as Bishop Richard Pates of Des Moines announced last month that he supports the legalization of medical marijuana. Bishop Pates reached his conclusion after meeting with several lawmakers, as well as a group of Iowans who suffer from chronic conditions, the pain of which might be alleviated by the substance. Read the full story in the Des Moines Register HERE. In this podcast, Father Dave answers a general question from a Twitter follower regarding the church's teaching on marijuana. (Original Air 05-10-16). |
Wed, 11 May 2016
During a special broadcast called "Lino's Last Hurrah: An Italian Pilgrimage," Father Dave explains to the pilgrims both what a Holy Door is and the plenary indulgences that you can receive if you walk through one. (Original Air: 04-21-16)
Direct download: 05-11-16_Italy_HolyDoor_Indulgences.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:52pm EST |
Mon, 9 May 2016
American Idol season 10 winner Scotty McCreery shares the challenges of being open about faith in the spotlight. The country music star talks connecting music and religion in his new book Go Big or Go Home: The Journey Toward the Dream. (Original Air 05-04-16) |
Thu, 5 May 2016
Was yesterday a Holy Day of Obligation for you? Did you go to mass? Why do some areas celebrate the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday and others celebrate it on Sunday? Father Dave explains the reasoning behind this difference to a caller, which prompts Brett to ask some more follow-up questions and to comment on Jesus' effectiveness. (Original Air 05-05-16)
Direct download: 05-04-16_Ascension_Thursday_Questions.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EST |
Wed, 4 May 2016
Is heaven a boring place to spend eternity? On this #TwitterTuesday podcast, we respond to a tweet from a youth minister whose teen students are skeptical about the excitement of the afterlife. Father Dave and Brett discuss what the Church can do to change what seems to be a growing perspective. (Original Air 05-03-16) |
Sun, 1 May 2016
A special episode of "Saints of Our Lives" featuring Saint Adele. Learn all about the trials and tribulations of her life, including the interesting story of how she ultimately became a nun. Plus, a special surprise guest appearance from somebody who's no stranger to the show. (Original Air 04-07-16)
Direct download: 04-07-16_Saints_Of_Our_Lives-_Saint_Adele.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:37am EST |
Sun, 1 May 2016
Brett shares a story of strengthened faith after his pilgrimage to Italy, and reflects on finding answers to some difficult questions he's struggled with in the past. (Original Air 04-25-16) |