Wed, 28 February 2018
A listener named Michael asks Father Dave and Christina if they have any tips for lectors. Father Dave explains that it's important to make eye contact and not to read too quickly. Christina suggests going over the readings beforehand, and praying before Mass. Original Air 2-21-18 |
Wed, 28 February 2018
Popular Catholic author and speaker Dr. Scott Hahn discusses his new book, "The Fourth Cup: Unveiling the Mystery of the Last Supper and the Cross." Father Dave and Dr. Hahn discuss his conversion story and how the story of the Last Supper led him to the Catholic Church. Original Air 2-20-18 |
Mon, 26 February 2018
A listener named Dan asks, “Why would the Holy Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted in the desert?” Father Dave explains that while Jesus is fully divine, He is also fully human, and experienced everything that we experience, including temptation So, it could be part of the divine plan that Jesus experienced all that is humanity. Original Air 3-09-17 |
Wed, 21 February 2018
Friend of the show Rabbi Brad Hirschfield stops by to discuss faith in the midst of certain "hot button" issues plaguing our society. The topics include Lent and fasting, Shaun White, and the #MeToo movement. Original Air 2-15-18 |
Mon, 19 February 2018
A listener named Bill asks, "Are we allowed to work on Sundays?" Father Dave explains that the Catechism states that the faithful are to refrain from work and any activity that hinder the worship owed to God. He points out that legitimate family needs do not make this possible sometimes, and in those cases, work is excusable. Original Air 3-07-17 |
Thu, 15 February 2018
A caller named Julie asks, "Is anyone other than a priest allowed to preach a homily?" Father Dave explains that only ordained people: deacons, priests, or bishops, can preach a homily at Mass. He points out that homilies aren't the only type of preaching in the Catholic Church, and there are some situations in which a layperson can preach, like prayer services. However, this wouldn't be considered a homily. Original Air 2-07-18 |
Wed, 14 February 2018
Christina shares that her nephew will soon be baptized, but she heard that baptisms should not be performed during Lent. She asks Father Dave if this is true, and if so, why. Father Dave explains that Lent is a time for Catholics to prepare for the baptismal waters of the Resurrection, therefore, baptisms are not usually performed during Lent, however it is usually up to the parish. He also points out that there are exceptions for emergencies. Original Air 01-04-18. |
Mon, 12 February 2018
It's the Lenten question Father Dave receives most often! "Do Sundays count during Lent?" A caller named Michelle shares that growing up, her mom told her Sundays were not included in her Lenten sacrifice. Father Dave explains that Sundays do, in fact, count. When we celebrate Sunday Mass during Lent, the Church still calls them Sundays in Lent. He also explains the Catholic definition of fasting, and that our Lenten sacrifices generally do not count as fasting. Original Air 2-07-18 |
Wed, 7 February 2018
A caller named Jennifer asks, "How do I explain to my non-Catholic family members that Confession is important?" She explains that her son is preparing for his first Reconciliation, and she wants to describe to her family why we have this Sacrament. Father Dave explains that sin is communal and it affects everyone, so Confession is a way for us to hold ourselves accountable and receive God's mercy. Original Air 2-06-18 |
Mon, 5 February 2018
A listener named Hope calls into the show and asks, "Why aren't there any Gospels by Peter if the Church was entrusted to him?" Father Dave explains that in Peter's time, many people were illiterate or couldn't write very well, and stories were primarily passed down orally. Only certain people in society were able to write. Father Dave points out that it is not certain that Peter was illiterate, but very likely. Original Air 09-06-17 |
Mon, 5 February 2018
A caller named Mel asks Father Dave, "How Did the Rosary Begin?" Father Dave explains that St. Dominic had an apparition of Mary in the 13th century in which Mary gave him the Rosary. He also explains that before that, lay people wanted to pray like the monks in the monasteries, but many people were illiterate or could not afford the psalter that they prayed with, so they used a set of beads to pray repetitive prayers. Father Dave also points out that the Rosary we say today is greatly due to St. Dominic. Original Air 1-03-18 |
Thu, 1 February 2018
A listener named Sherri asks Father Dave, "What happens to children if parents get an annulment?" Father Dave explains that an annulment declares that not all of the elements considered for a valid Sacrament were in place. He also tells Sherri that illegitimate means unlawful, and it is usually a term used in civil society. The Church does not insist that we act like the children don't exist. The Church still views the children as children of God. Original Air 1-29-18 |