Sun, 26 June 2016
Is it a sin to miss Mass while on vacation? Just in time for 4th of July weekend, Father Dave answers a question from a concerned listener. (Original Air 05-10-16) |
Sun, 26 June 2016
The passing away of a loved one is always a difficult situation. Unfortunately, the burial process can be difficult too, especially when it deals with cremation and the placement of a person's ashes. A caller asks Father Dave if it is against Church teaching to spread ashes in a public place. (Original Air 05-10-16) |
Sun, 26 June 2016
How do "Seinfeld's" George Costanza or "Star Trek's" Captain James Tiberius Kirk relate to our faith lives? They both constantly aspire to the highest pinnacles! Father Dave and Brett discuss how we often try to experience bigger and better faith moments than the last time, and the dangers of seeking to outdo. (Original Air 06-10-16)
Direct download: 06-10-16_Always_Trying_to_Achieve_the_Highest_Point.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:18am EDT |
Mon, 20 June 2016
How can the Catholic Church stay relevant? Father Dave looks back on his recent trip to the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, where he moderated a discussion on attracting new members to the faith. Father Dave and Brett talk more about what must be done to keep future generations interested in being Catholic. (Original Air 05-24-16) |
Mon, 20 June 2016
Have you ever attended a mass where the priest had his back turned to the congregation? Father Dave explains an uncommon phenomenon that occasionally occurs, especially in European churches. (Original Air 06-01-16) |
Sun, 19 June 2016
Brett reflects on his experience participating in the Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk to support suicide awareness, and shares some of the powerful conversations about mental health issues he had with fellow walkers along the way. (Original Air 06-06-16)
Direct download: 06-06-16_Brett_Recaps_The_Suicide_Awareness_Walk.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:10am EDT |
Thu, 16 June 2016
Following the Orlando tragedy Father Dave continues his discussion with the listeners. We take a call from a gay catholic who describes the difficulty and challenges he faces as a gay catholic. Father Dave also reads a message from another gay catholic who details how homophobia in The Church effected his life and how it caused him to contemplate suicide. (Original Air 06-15-16)
Direct download: 06-15-16_Two_Gay_Catholics_Tell_Their_Story.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EDT |
Tue, 14 June 2016
Father Dave discusses the tragic shooting at a gay club in Orlando. In doing so, he addresses the responses by several bishops, and also the sad and unfortunate homophobia he finds in the Church. (Original Air 06-14-16)
Direct download: 06-14-16_Orlando_Shooting_and_Homophobia_In_The_Church.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:43pm EDT |
Tue, 14 June 2016
Brett reflects on the recent death of his grandmother, which leads to a conversation about the challenges that each generation faced while growing up, and how future generations might be affected by the decisions we make today. (Original Air 06-01-16)
Direct download: 06-01-16_Brett_Reflects_on_His_Life_After_He_Loses_His_Grandmother.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:37am EDT |
Tue, 7 June 2016
A mother calls into the show concerned about her daughter's desire to get married outdoors. Father Dave gives advice on how to approach the conversation, and explains the significance of getting married inside a Catholic Church. (Original Air 05-25-15)
Direct download: 05-25-15_Getting_Married_In_Outdoor_Wedding.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:04pm EDT |
Tue, 7 June 2016
Has a priest or deacon recently been ordained in your church? Wondering what would be an appropriate way to celebrate? Father Dave suggests great gifts to give a newly ordained person. (Original Air 05-31-16)
Direct download: 05-31-16_Good_Gifts_For_Newly_Ordained_Priests.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:55pm EDT |
Sun, 5 June 2016
Is there a "pope equivalent" in the Jewish faith? In the Protestant Church? Father Dave explains what religious leaders look like in other faith traditions. (Original Air 05-13-16) |
Thu, 2 June 2016
Have you ever lost a loved one to suicide? Are you concerned for their eternal soul? Father Dave explains the Catholic Church's stance on the issue of suicide. Brett had these concerns, as he has lost several friends to suicide. He will be taking part in the AFSP's Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk on June 4 to support suicide prevention, awareness and resources. Here is the link to donate to the cause. Thank you! (Original Air 05-04-16)
Direct download: 06-03-16_What_Happens_to_the_Soul_of_Someone_Who_Commits_Suicide.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:21pm EDT |
Tue, 31 May 2016
How did Jesus get to Heaven? Did he ascend on his own? Was he assumed into heaven like his mother, Mary? Father Dave explains this phenomenon. Plus, why we're no longer able to sin once we get to heaven. (Original Air 05-11-16)
Direct download: 05-10-16_How_Was_Jeus_Taken_Up_To_Heaven.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:48pm EDT |