Tue, 29 August 2017
A caller asks Father Dave for advice on how she can ask her roommate how to move out. Over a year ago, she and her husband allowed a missionary to move in with them, but she says that his presence in the house is beginning to take a toll on their marriage. (Original Air 08-16-17) |
Mon, 28 August 2017
Mike and Christina have a conversation about their dating habits and what they look for in a significant other. The two talk about the differences in how they weigh a first impressions. Mike says he likes to keep an open mind when dating someone, and is willing to give just about anybody a chance, even if his first impression of someone isn't strong. Christina, on the other hand, thinks first impressions are strong indicators of attraction, and that accepting just any date is a waste of time. (Original Air 08-16-17)
Direct download: 08-17-17_Mike_And_Christina_On_Dating.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52am EST |
Mon, 21 August 2017
A woman calls Father Dave looking for biblical evidence that Mary was assumed into heaven. Her friend of another faith recently asked her the same question, and when she looked it up in the Bible, she had difficulty finding the passage. (Original Air 08-10-17) |
Mon, 21 August 2017
It's the end of the Father Dave 30 Day Challenge, and we're answering the big questions: Who won the weight loss challenge between Father Dave and Mike? Did Brett eat any meat or drink any hard alcohol? Was Christina able to finish strong on her promise of no shopping? We reveal the grand results. (Original Air 08-18-17) |
Mon, 21 August 2017
Former RNC chairman Michael Steele joins Father Dave to talk about politics, racism, and the rights to free speech and protest in the wake of the Charlottesville, Virginia violence. Steele was the first African American chair of the RNC, and the current co-host of Steele and Ungar on SiriusXM's political talk channel POTUS 124. (Original Air 08-18-17) |
Thu, 17 August 2017
Father Dave responds to the racist and violent events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend. Father Dave challenges all of us to look inward and examine what it means to be a human being, and what we as Catholics can do to prevent this from happening in the future. (Original Air 08-14-17)
Direct download: 08-14-17_Father_Dave_Responds_To_Charlottesville.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37am EST |
Tue, 15 August 2017
A caller tells Father Dave that he was recently fired from teaching CCD after he told his class that the Catholic Church does not believe that pets go to Heaven. He asks Father Dave if this is still theologically correct teaching, and what he should do now, since he would still like to teach. (Original Air 08-11-17) |
Tue, 15 August 2017
A caller asks Father Dave if God knows when a person will be born or die, and whether or not God has the ability to interfere with our deaths happening. Father Dave explains the traditional Catholic belief. (Original Air 07-26-17) |
Mon, 14 August 2017
Following an interview with an author who was told by doctors that she only had three months to live; Team Busted Halo has an interesting hypothetical discussion about what they would do if they were told the same. Would you travel? Get married or have kids? Who would you tell? (Original Air 07-21-17) |
Wed, 9 August 2017
We're past the midway point of the Father Dave 30-Day Challenge. Listen to hear how Team Busted Halo is doing. How is your challenge going? (Original Air 08-03-17) |
Mon, 7 August 2017
Father Dave receives a email from a listener wondering why priests don't break the Host during the part of the Mass where they mention Jesus breaking the bread at the Last Supper. Instead, the bread is usually broken right before the Eucharist is distributed. Doesn't it make sense to break it at the exact moment that Jesus says those words? (Original Air 07-19-17) |
Mon, 7 August 2017
After visiting his sick mother, a listener asks Father Dave if there are any particular requirements in order to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. (Original Air 07-20-17) |
Tue, 1 August 2017
A woman calls Father Dave confused after hearing a Eucharistic minister say a phrase other than "the body of Christ" while distributing Communion. Father Dave responds. (Original Air 07-11-17) |
Tue, 1 August 2017
A young listener calls Father Dave wondering what's required for a priest to become pope. (He feels that a priest in his parish would make for a great pope one day.) Father Dave explains the process of electing a pope. (Original Air 07-11-17) |