Wed, 27 September 2023
A listener asks Father Dave for help for some prayer struggles during Adoration. Geraldine asks, “I feel a call to take more time for Eucharistic Adoration. When I listen to the tug from within to go to Adoration, I find once I get to the church I feel a restlessness within me. I'm often at a loss on how to pray and wonder why praying at Adoration is different from praying at home if God is always with us.” |
Mon, 25 September 2023
Father Dave welcomes writer Lillian Fallon to discuss how our personal style can connect with our Catholic faith. A veteran of the fashion industry, Lillian currently works for the Catholic women’s clothing label Litany NYC and is the author of “Theology of Style: Expressing the Unique and Unrepeatable You.”
Wed, 20 September 2023
Father Dave welcomes José Hernández, former NASA flight engineer and the first migrant farm worker to travel to space. “A Million Miles Away,” a new Amazon Prime movie based on his life, follows José and his devoted family on a decades-long journey, from a rural village in Mexico, to the fields of California, to more than 200 miles above the Earth in the International Space Station. |
Mon, 18 September 2023
Whether you read the Bible daily or only hear Scripture proclaimed on Sundays, there are always fresh ways for us to connect more deeply to God’s word. Father Dave welcomes Notre Dame theology professor and author William Mattison to discuss his new book, “Follow Me: Walking with Jesus through the Gospels.” |
Mon, 11 September 2023
A listener asks Father Dave a Mass Class question about the gospel. David asks, “I know it’s probably a sign of reverence, but what started the procession of the gospel book? It's usually on the altar, and they usually process it around the front of the sanctuary.” He also attended a Mass recently where the congregation bowed and some near the altar touched the book.
Wed, 6 September 2023
Brett recently found his childhood religious education assignments and recalls how he thought the Our Father began, “Our Father, go-kart in heaven” while growing up. Father Dave invites listeners to share the prayers or religious phrases that their kids have misheard. |