Mon, 29 August 2022
Friend of the show Father Greg Boyle, S.J. shares stories and reflections on forgiveness in his new book, “Forgive Everyone Everything.” He has seen radical examples of mercy as the founder of Homeboy Industries, where he walks with ex-gang members looking to rebuild their lives. |
Wed, 24 August 2022
After a two-year delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Father Dave and Lino Rulli from SiriusXM’s The Catholic Channel recently led a pilgrimage of 85 listeners to Oberammergau, Germany. |
Wed, 17 August 2022
Catholic families are always looking for ways to connect their kids to faith. Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak are ready to help with their recently-launched app CatholicHÔM, which stands for Households on Mission. It’s a comprehensive digital platform dedicated to helping Catholic families encounter Christ in their homes. |
Mon, 15 August 2022
A listener named Robert asks a question about two words we might use interchangeably: homily and sermon. He wonders, “Why do we call the homily a homily? Other denominations call it a sermon, just curious if there’s a difference.” |
Wed, 10 August 2022
When one hears of personal development programs, different stereotypes of self-help may come to mind. Leah Darrow joins the show to bring a Christian perspective to personal development through her new program called Power Made Perfect. She is a former model and current entrepreneur, Catholic speaker, author, and podcaster. |
Mon, 8 August 2022
Sometimes questions of faith arise from simply walking into a church. A listener named Laura asks, “I'd like to learn about those candles that people light. Why do we have those little areas with racks of candles?” She continues that she knows they are for prayer intentions, but would like more information. |
Wed, 3 August 2022
A Protestant listener named Sean asks Father Dave for some clarification about saints in the Catholic Church. “As I read the Epistles, Paul always mentions saints as living, breathing followers of Christ that are right there with him, and [Catholics] tend to talk about saints as first you have to die and then meet a couple other requirements…I’m hoping you can help me reconcile [that],” he asks. |
Mon, 1 August 2022
As the American Church embarks on a three-year Eucharistic Revival, Dr. Timothy O’Malley joins the Busted Halo Show to discuss his new book “Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life.” O’Malley is a member of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ executive planning team for the Revival, as well as director of education at the McGrath Institute for Church Life and academic director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy. |