Mon, 18 December 2017
Father Dave answers a caller's question on whether or not we have to go to Mass twice this Christmas in order to fill both the Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation.
Direct download: Do_I_have_to_go_to_mass_twice_on_Christmas.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:41am EST |
Mon, 11 December 2017
Father Dave receives an email from a couple who recently lost their son in an accident and are struggling with coping with their grief during the holiday season. Father Dave and Brett offer support and advice. (Original Air 11-16-17)
Direct download: Christmas_grief_Podcast._11.16.17_episode.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:53pm EST |
Sun, 26 November 2017
A "Congregation of One" couple Brian and Joanna join team Busted Halo in studio to ask a question of faith. Joanna says that she has a friend in her parish who recently converted to Catholicism along with her husband, and she wonders if are required to get remarried in the Church since they were married before converting. (Original Air 11-01-17) |
Mon, 20 November 2017
With the help of Busted Halo intern Larissa, Father Dave answers a question of faith from a listener asking why we call Mary "the Mother of God." Didn't God create Mary? Father Dave explains why we use this title for Mary. (Original Air 10-25-17) |
Mon, 20 November 2017
A caller wonders why we say the line "I have gravely sinned" during the part of the Mass known as the Confiteor. If a person is not in a state of mortal sin, isn't that line technically untrue? Father Dave explains why we say the Confiteor right before we receive The Eucharist. (Original Air 10-25-17) |
Mon, 20 November 2017
A listener wonders how she should pray when she is in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and asks if there are special prayers she should say, or specific rituals she should do. Father Dave and Christina share some helpful tips for a prayerful adoration. (Original Air 10-24-17) |
Wed, 15 November 2017
A pregnant woman asks Father Dave if her unborn baby also receives Communion. Father Dave explains the teachings behind receiving The Eucharist. (Original Air 10-18-17) |
Wed, 15 November 2017
Father Dave gets a call from a man wondering about the mixing of water and wine. His new parish priest consecrates the Blood of Christ differently than their old priest, who would pour a drop of water into each chalice. (Original Air 10-17-17) |
Tue, 14 November 2017
A listener asks for Fatherly Advice on talking to his son's friend's mother about coming back to Church. The friend of the family was a practicing Catholic before she met her new husband, and the listener suspects she has some interest in returning to the Church. (Original Air 10-17-17)
Direct download: 10-17-17_FA_Friend_Coming_Back_To_Church.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01am EST |
Mon, 6 November 2017
Father Dave receives a call from a listener asking for advice on how he can continue to be strong in his faith while he is experiencing difficult times without a strong community around to help. Father Dave offers some thoughts on finding spiritual support. (Original Air 10-10-17) |
Sun, 5 November 2017
A mother calls Father Dave asking for advice on how to help her daughter. Her daughter attends a Baptist high school, and some of her classmates told her she was going to Hell because she is not Baptist. Her daughter was hurt and upset by the comment, and the caller wonders what she can do. (Original Air 10-10-17) |
Sun, 5 November 2017
On the Feast of St. Francis, a caller asks why some Franciscan orders refer to the feast day as the "Transitus of St. Francis." Father Dave explains the significance of this terminology. (Original Air 10-04-17) |
Fri, 3 November 2017
A caller asks why we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday and not on a Saturday. She says that her friend, a Seventh Day Adventist, insists the Sabbath is on a Saturday. So, did Catholics change the day of the Sabbath? Father Dave explains. (Original Air 10-03-17) |
Wed, 1 November 2017
Have you ever wondered what role relics play in our faith, and why? A Protestant listener who finds the concept odd asks Father Dave to explain the importance of relics in Catholicism. (Original Air 10-03-17) |
Sun, 29 October 2017
A caller asks why the Church declares people saints. She also wonders why Catholics are the only canonized saints, and why good people from other faith denominations are not considered. Father Dave explains why and how we declare saints. (Original Air 09-12-17) |
Sun, 22 October 2017
A caller asks Father Dave if the Church requires us to contribute to welfare programs. He doesn't feel comfortable giving to government-funded agencies without knowing where the money is going. Father Dave speaks about the importance of following the laws set in place, while considering better ways of contributing to organizations in the future. (Original Air 09-12-17) |
Sun, 22 October 2017
A caller asks for advice on approaching her mother-in-law about respecting her family's faith. Her mother-in-law is a recent convert to Mormonism and has tried to bring her granddaughter to her services in the Mormon Church, against the family's wishes. Father Dave shares some advice for handling a delicate situation. (Original Air 09-07-17) |
Sun, 15 October 2017
A caller wonders why there is nothing in the Bible written by Peter, who Jesus designated the rock of the Church. (Original Air 09-06-17) |
Sun, 15 October 2017
A listener calls in with a Mass Class question of faith. She asks Father Dave about the meaning behind the phrase, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." (Original Air 09-06-17) |
Sun, 15 October 2017
A caller asks Father Dave how long baptisms were performed before Jesus was baptized. Father Dave shares some history about the origins of baptism. (Original Air 09-05-17) |
Sun, 15 October 2017
A caller asks If a priest is in a state of sin, does a Mass still count as valid? Father Dave explains. (Original Air 08-30-17)
Direct download: 08-30-17_Priest_Saying_Mass_Mortal_Sin.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:23pm EST |
Sun, 8 October 2017
Father Dave receives an email from a listener who suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). She describes how her PTSD caused her to do some regrettable things that hurt some people including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend doesn't fully understand what she was dealing with and is having a difficult time forgiving her for her past actions. Father Dave offers her some advice on how to handle this difficult situation. (Original Air 09-05-17) |
Sun, 8 October 2017
A caller who recently moved to a new part of the country is having a hard time finding a parish where she feels welcomed. Father Dave offers her some encouraging words about being persistent in her search for a spiritual home, and reflects the importance of feeling accepted in our faith lives.(Original Air 09-05-17) |
Sun, 8 October 2017
Have you ever felt guilty about not donating to an organization? A caller explains that she's hesitant to donate to some organizations out of fear that the group may misappropriate her gift. Father Dave recognizes her concerns and tries to encourage to overcome some of her reluctance when it comes to charitable giving. (Original Air 08-30-17) |
Mon, 2 October 2017
A woman calls looking for Fatherly Advice on how to handle feeling betrayed by a past boss. The caller left her past job to pursue other opportunities, and recently found out that her old boss, who she considered a supportive friend, has been telling everyone that she was fired. Father Dave offers some advice on the situation. (Original Air 08-24-17) |
Mon, 2 October 2017
A caller wonders if living with debt, or spending money you don't have, is sinful against God. Father Dave sheds some light on how we can view debt and fiscal responsibility as Catholics. (Original Air 08-29-17) |
Sun, 24 September 2017
A Protestant calls Father Dave looking to understand why Catholics have such a deep devotion to Mary. The caller wonders why we don't just go straight to God instead of praying to Mary/ Father Dave explains why Catholics are devoted to Mary, and what role she plays in our prayer lives. (Original Air 08-15-17) |
Sun, 24 September 2017
A woman who is twelve weeks pregnant shares her anxiety over her pregnancy, and worry about what the future holds for her and her soon-to-be family. She wonders if this is normal, and if she should offer up her worrying to God. Father Dave tries to ease some of her worries by explaining that Jesus is here to help. (Original Air 08-24-17) |
Sun, 24 September 2017
If God is all-knowing, then why do we pray for the intercessions of saints? A man asks why we need the saints to intervene, and the impact that intercession can have on our prayer lives. Father Dave shares different resources on why Catholics believe that the intercession of saints is a powerful exercise in our faith life. (Original Air 08-24-17) |
Thu, 21 September 2017
Father Dave responds to the most recent criticism and smear campaign that Fr. James Martin, SJ, has faced in response to his latest book "Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity.” Most recently, a few notable Catholic institutions rescinded invitations for Fr. Martin address them in person. Father Dave defends Fr. Martin’s work and approach, adding that the Church needs to engage in challenging conversations with charity and respect. (Original Air 09-20-17)
Direct download: 09-20-17_Father_Dave_Response_To_Father_Jim_Martin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36am EST |
Tue, 19 September 2017
During Mass, we say the phrase "But only say the word and my soul shall be healed," before we receive Communion. A caller wonders what "the word" actually is. Father Dave explains the meaning behind this phrase. (Original Air 08-24-17) |
Mon, 18 September 2017
Have you heard that Pope Francis is changing the Mass translation? Father Dave explains the recent news of Pope Francis' "Motu Proprio" and why it may or may not affect you. (Original Air 09-14-17)
Direct download: 09-14-17_Pope_Francis_Mass_Translation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55pm EST |
Mon, 18 September 2017
A listener asks Father Dave for his thoughts on the recent congressional hearing where judicial nominee Amy Coney Barrett was questioned by Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin about about whether or not her Catholic faith would impact her decisions. Father Dave talks about how much of a role our faith should play when making decisions that affect the general public. (Original Air 09-12-17) |
Mon, 11 September 2017
Father Dave speaks with a caller who has a difficult time looking at priests as regular people. She says she's unsure of what to say or how to act around them. Father Dave shares his thoughts on becoming comfortable engaging with clergy. (Original Air 08-09-17)
Direct download: 08-09-17_FA_Comfrotable_Around_Priests.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm EST |
Mon, 11 September 2017
The Bible mentions that the sky went dark during Jesus' death. The recent solar eclipse prompts one caller to wonder if the biblical darkness was actually caused by an eclipse. (Original Air 08-23-17) |
Mon, 11 September 2017
Father Dave receives a couple of calls about the Precious Blood at Mass. The first caller asks why it is okay to run out of wine at Mass, but not the Host? The second caller asks what happens if there is left over wine after communion. (Original Air 08-22-17) |
Fri, 8 September 2017
Father Dave shares his thoughts on the president's decision to eliminate the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, and explains why eliminating this program is completely against Catholic Social Teaching. Father Dave references the recent statement released by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops opposing the elimination of DACA. Father Dave also responds to Steve Bannon's comments about the Catholic Church and Immigration on "60 Minutes." |
Sun, 3 September 2017
A caller asks for Fatherly Advice on how to know if God is trying to tell him something, and how he can interpret certain signs that he believes God is sending him. (Original Air 08-09-17) |
Sun, 3 September 2017
Father Dave and Team Busted Halo discuss some of helpful practices when it comes to confessing your sins, and offer advice for setting up a meeting with your priest to ask questions or seek spiritual guidance. (Original Air 08-17-17)
Direct download: 08-17-17_Confession_Story_and_Conversation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST |
Sun, 3 September 2017
Father Dave hears from a caller whose Presbyterian friend asks her why Catholics have statues of saints, since the Bible says we should not worship statues. Father Dave explains the role that statues play in the Church and in our faith. (Original Air 08-10-17) |
Tue, 29 August 2017
A caller asks Father Dave for advice on how she can ask her roommate how to move out. Over a year ago, she and her husband allowed a missionary to move in with them, but she says that his presence in the house is beginning to take a toll on their marriage. (Original Air 08-16-17) |
Mon, 28 August 2017
Mike and Christina have a conversation about their dating habits and what they look for in a significant other. The two talk about the differences in how they weigh a first impressions. Mike says he likes to keep an open mind when dating someone, and is willing to give just about anybody a chance, even if his first impression of someone isn't strong. Christina, on the other hand, thinks first impressions are strong indicators of attraction, and that accepting just any date is a waste of time. (Original Air 08-16-17)
Direct download: 08-17-17_Mike_And_Christina_On_Dating.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52am EST |
Mon, 21 August 2017
A woman calls Father Dave looking for biblical evidence that Mary was assumed into heaven. Her friend of another faith recently asked her the same question, and when she looked it up in the Bible, she had difficulty finding the passage. (Original Air 08-10-17) |
Mon, 21 August 2017
It's the end of the Father Dave 30 Day Challenge, and we're answering the big questions: Who won the weight loss challenge between Father Dave and Mike? Did Brett eat any meat or drink any hard alcohol? Was Christina able to finish strong on her promise of no shopping? We reveal the grand results. (Original Air 08-18-17) |
Mon, 21 August 2017
Former RNC chairman Michael Steele joins Father Dave to talk about politics, racism, and the rights to free speech and protest in the wake of the Charlottesville, Virginia violence. Steele was the first African American chair of the RNC, and the current co-host of Steele and Ungar on SiriusXM's political talk channel POTUS 124. (Original Air 08-18-17) |
Thu, 17 August 2017
Father Dave responds to the racist and violent events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend. Father Dave challenges all of us to look inward and examine what it means to be a human being, and what we as Catholics can do to prevent this from happening in the future. (Original Air 08-14-17)
Direct download: 08-14-17_Father_Dave_Responds_To_Charlottesville.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37am EST |
Tue, 15 August 2017
A caller tells Father Dave that he was recently fired from teaching CCD after he told his class that the Catholic Church does not believe that pets go to Heaven. He asks Father Dave if this is still theologically correct teaching, and what he should do now, since he would still like to teach. (Original Air 08-11-17) |
Tue, 15 August 2017
A caller asks Father Dave if God knows when a person will be born or die, and whether or not God has the ability to interfere with our deaths happening. Father Dave explains the traditional Catholic belief. (Original Air 07-26-17) |
Mon, 14 August 2017
Following an interview with an author who was told by doctors that she only had three months to live; Team Busted Halo has an interesting hypothetical discussion about what they would do if they were told the same. Would you travel? Get married or have kids? Who would you tell? (Original Air 07-21-17) |
Wed, 9 August 2017
We're past the midway point of the Father Dave 30-Day Challenge. Listen to hear how Team Busted Halo is doing. How is your challenge going? (Original Air 08-03-17) |
Mon, 7 August 2017
Father Dave receives a email from a listener wondering why priests don't break the Host during the part of the Mass where they mention Jesus breaking the bread at the Last Supper. Instead, the bread is usually broken right before the Eucharist is distributed. Doesn't it make sense to break it at the exact moment that Jesus says those words? (Original Air 07-19-17) |
Mon, 7 August 2017
After visiting his sick mother, a listener asks Father Dave if there are any particular requirements in order to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. (Original Air 07-20-17) |
Tue, 1 August 2017
A woman calls Father Dave confused after hearing a Eucharistic minister say a phrase other than "the body of Christ" while distributing Communion. Father Dave responds. (Original Air 07-11-17) |
Tue, 1 August 2017
A young listener calls Father Dave wondering what's required for a priest to become pope. (He feels that a priest in his parish would make for a great pope one day.) Father Dave explains the process of electing a pope. (Original Air 07-11-17) |
Fri, 28 July 2017
Emmy Award-winning actress Patricia Heaton from “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “The Middle” joins Team Busted Halo to talk faith, family, Hollywood, and her pro-life philanthropy work. (Original Air 07-24-17) |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Have you ever wondered why some people hold hands during the "Our Father" while others do not? Father Dave explains what we should or should not do with our hands during this period in Mass. (Original Air 07-12-17) |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Father Dave talks about the new path to sainthood that Pope Francis recently introduced, recognizing those who sacrifice their lives for others. Pope Francis hopes this new path will allow for a clearer definition of what is required to be a saint, and may even allow more people to become saints. (Original Air 07-12-17) |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Jonathan Evans, the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys, stops by the Busted Halo Show to talk about his own football career, and what moved him to pursue ministry and help his community. (Original Air 06-09-17) |
Fri, 21 July 2017
Every year, Father Dave challenges himself and the listeners of The Busted Halo Show to take on an activity for 30 days that will have a positive impact on their lives. In the past, listeners have challenged themselves to lose weight, quit smoking and drinking, or begin praying the Rosary every day. Hear what Father Dave, Brett, Mike, and Christina are doing for their 30 Day Challenges. This year there is a surprise twist for what Father Dave is doing. (Original Air 07-18-17) |
Tue, 18 July 2017
Dr. Charlie Camosy, ethicist, theologian, and author joins Father Dave to discuss the moral implications of the Charlie Gard case. (Original Air 07-14-17) |
Fri, 14 July 2017
After receiving a question about the recent Vatican news on using gluten-free hosts for the Eucharist, Father Dave helps clear up concerns and talks about how people with a gluten allergy can still receive communion. (Original Air 07-11-17) |
Thu, 13 July 2017
During a Busted Halo Facebook Live, Father Dave received a question from a fan about a priest who sings the Gospel at Mass. She finds the singing distracting, and wonders if it's traditionally allowed. Father Dave shares some insights into why a priest might chant certain parts of the Mass, and offers guidance on how she might be able to overcome the distractions. (Original Air 06-15-17) |
Tue, 11 July 2017
Father Dave and Brett talk about how it can be challenging to maintain friendships as you get older. They reflect on the importance of taking time out of their busy schedules to invest in meaningful friendships. (Original Air 06-13-17) |
Sun, 2 July 2017
Father Dave receives an email from a listener who asks how she can enhance her Mass experience during Ordinary Time in the Church. She finds her spiritual experiences during Advent and Lent to be very rich, but struggles during Ordinary Time. Father Dave offers some suggestions for engaging her faith during this liturgical season. (Original Air 06-16-17) |
Sun, 2 July 2017
Olympic gold medal track star Sanya Richards-Ross joins Father Dave to discuss the role that her faith played in her running career, and her new book, “Chasing Grace: What the Quarter Mile Has Taught Me about God and Life.” (Original Air 06-06-17) |
Thu, 29 June 2017
A woman emails Father Dave looking for some advice on finding a better balance between work and family. Her current job requires her to travel frequently, and she feels guilty missing valuable time with her family. Father Dave shares some thoughtful advice. (Original Air 06-02-17) |
Mon, 26 June 2017
Father Dave and Brett try to help Mike with his feelings of guilt over accepting favors from others. Mike feels ashamed asking Brett for a favor even though Brett is happy to help. The group has a conversation about the importance of accepting another person's grace. (Original Air 06-01-17) |
Mon, 26 June 2017
Catholic singer/songwriter Marie Miller joins the Busted Halo Show for a full hour to perform songs from her new album, "Letterbox." She also helps Father Dave answer some questions of faith from a live studio audience. (Original Air 06-06-17) |
Sun, 25 June 2017
On "Mass Class Wednesday" a caller asks where purgatory is mentioned in the Bible. The caller mentions that she lives in an area of the country that is predominately Lutheran, and she is often questioned about where Catholics have evidence of the existence of purgatory. Father Dave explains what we believe about purgatory. (Original Air 05-31-17) |
Tue, 20 June 2017
A caller asks Father Dave how she should handle a situation where she experienced a sermon that she found to be offensive. While attending a friends child's dedication at a Baptist Church, she felt caught off guard by the preacher's use of insulting words. Father Dave shares advice for how she might express her feelings with her family and friends. (Original Air 05-31-17) |
Mon, 19 June 2017
Father James Martin SJ joins Father Dave to discuss his brand new book, “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity.” Father Jim also helps Father Dave out with a Fatherly Advice question. (Original Air: 04-28-17) |
Mon, 19 June 2017
Journalist Andy Crouch joins Father Dave to discuss the challenges and benefits of technology today, along with the impact it can have on a family. Andy is the author of "The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place." (Original Air 05-19-17) |
Wed, 14 June 2017
A listener calls into the show looking for Fatherly Advice on a situation with her brother. The caller explains that her brother is moving in with his girlfriend, and she's concerned because she feels the relationship isn't healthy. She wonders if she should speak to her brother about her concerns, and asks Father Dave for advice. (Original Air 05-23-17) |
Tue, 13 June 2017
A Congregation of One name Patty joins Team Busted Halo in the studio, and asks about Doctors of the Church. Father Dave explains how one receives this special title, and the role Doctors of the Church play in our faith. (Original Air 05-19-17) |
Mon, 5 June 2017
We hear about the many people in attendance at Jesus' crucifixion, including His mother Mary and many of the disciples, but one person who isn't mentioned is Jesus' own father, Joseph. A listener emails Father Dave wondering why Joseph wouldn't be present at his own son's death. Father Dave explains. If you have a question or comment for Father Dave you can email it to (Original Air 05-04-17) |
Mon, 5 June 2017
Father Dave shares some Fatherly Advice with a young man who was recently denied from serving in the Navy. The caller has had a desire to serve for a long time, and has worked extremely hard to put himself in the best possible position to succeed. After being denied, the caller finds himself questioning his faith. (Original Air 05-03-17) |
Mon, 5 June 2017
You have probably heard people pronounce "Amen" two different ways (AY-men vs AH-men). A caller asks Father Dave if there's a pronunciation preference in the Church. Father Dave does some investigative work to find out which pronunciation is more commonly used. (Original Air 05-03-17) |
Fri, 2 June 2017
When is the appropriate time to sit after Communion? A listener calls Father Dave wondering if it's correct for the congregation to sit after the tabernacle doors close or when the priest sits down. (Original Air 05-02-17) |
Wed, 31 May 2017
Father Dave receives a tweet on #TwitterTuesday from a listener looking for advice on how she can stay focused while she's waiting in line to receive communion. She feels guilty because sometimes her mind starts to wander to something other than the Eucharist. Father Dave and Brett discuss how she might be able to center herself and why this might not always be a bad thing. (Original Air 05-02-17) |
Sun, 21 May 2017
Father John Maria Devaney joins Father Dave to help answer questions of faith like this one: What happens to the church building when it is no longer being used as a church? Father John and Father Dave describe the process of a building losing its church status and some of the ways former churches are being used today. (Original Air 05-01-17)
Direct download: 05-01-17_What_Happens_To_An_Old_Church.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:06pm EST |
Sun, 21 May 2017
Brett and Mike have a disagreement over whether or not a widower can become a priest. Who's right? Father Dave helps resolve the dispute. (Original Air 04-28-17) |
Fri, 19 May 2017
"The Miracle Hunter" Michael O'Neill joins Father Dave to discuss Pope Francis' recent trip to Fatima where he canonized Jacinta and Francisco Marto. O'Neill also provides insight into what Pope Francis meant by his comments about the Marian apparitions at Medjugorje. (Original Air 05-16-17) |
Sun, 14 May 2017
Why are there multiple Eucharistic prayers that a priest can choose from? On Mass Class Wednesday, Father Dave explains why the Missalette offers a choice of prayers. (Original Air 04-26-17) |
Sun, 14 May 2017
A listener calls Father Dave after witnessing two women take holy water out of the baptisimal font, and replace it with new water. He wonders if this is allowed and if so, why? (Original Air 04-26-17) |
Sun, 14 May 2017
In The Apostles' Creed, why do we say "suffered under Pontius Pilate," since the Jews where the ones who put Jesus on trial? Father Dave explains the meaning behind this phrase in The Creed. (Original Air 04-25-17) |
Tue, 9 May 2017
Is it possible to get married in the Church without getting civilly married through the government? Father Dave answers a #TwitterTuesday question, and explains some of the steps couples must go through to officially receive the sacrament of matrimony. (Original Air 05-03-17) |
Tue, 9 May 2017
A woman whose husband is undergoing treatment for cancer shares the difficulty of maintaining her faith life and her marriage throughout such a difficult time. Father Dave shares some encouraging words for this trying period in their lives. (Original Air 04-20-17)
Direct download: 04-20-17_Wife_Helping_Husband_With_Cancer.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28pm EST |
Tue, 9 May 2017
A listener calls Father Dave looking for some advice on how he should handle a situation with a friend. The caller's friend recently held a "Zombie Jesus Party" on Good Friday, which the caller did not attend because he felt it was disrespectful to his faith. He asks Father Dave how he should go about telling his friend he is upset without harming their relationship. (Original Air 04-20-17) |
Wed, 3 May 2017
When we receive Communion, are we allowed to chew the Host? A radio listener who grew up in the Dominican Republic tells Father Dave that she was taught that that it was wrong to touch or chew the Host. She is surprised to see people in the U.S. doing so, and wonders what's appropriate. (Original Air 04-19-17) |
Wed, 3 May 2017
Father Dave receives an email from a listener seeking clarification on the differences between worshiping, adoring, and venerating people or things in The Church. (Original Air 04-18-17) |
Thu, 27 April 2017
In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, Father Dave speaks with Angelique Ruhi-Lopez, a writer whose own infertility journey motivated her to write "The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples." Her book was the first authentically Catholic book of its kind to provide answers on the Church’s view on infertility, as well as support to couples walking this path. (Original Air 04-25-17) |
Sun, 23 April 2017
Are we required to bow our heads before we receive Communion? How much of a bow should we make? Father Dave explains how we can reverently receive the Eucharist. (Original Air 04-05-17) |
Sun, 23 April 2017
Father Dave receives a call from a woman who is traveling on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. She is excited to attend the pilgrimage, but wonders if attending Latin Mass will still fulfill her obligation, since she won't know what is being said. (Original Air 04-05-17) |
Sun, 23 April 2017
Father Dave receives an email from a listener asking if a baptism is authentic if the child isn't baptized by a priest. Father Dave explains the Sacrament of Baptism and the amount of times a person is allowed to be baptized. (Original Air 04-07-17) |
Sun, 23 April 2017
A woman whose husband passed away recently after many years of marriage is concerned that she may not be married to him, or even know him, in Heaven. Father Dave shares what Catholics believe Heaven will be like. (Original Air 04-03-17) |
Wed, 19 April 2017
Father Dave provides some fatherly advice to a man who is strongly considering becoming a priest. The man has mixed emotions because he has a great job and a girlfriend that he loves very much and doesn't want to hurt; but he also feels that God is really calling him to become a priest. Father Dave shares with him how he can handle this difficult situation. (Original Air 03-31-17) |
Sun, 16 April 2017
A recent convert calls Father Dave for advice after trying to explain Catholics' deep devotion to Mary to her friends of other faiths. Father Dave explains why we ask for Mary's intercession, and why Catholics hold Mary in such high regard. (Original Air 04-03-17) |
Thu, 13 April 2017
Father Dave answers special Holy Week and Easter "Mass Class" questions, including, "Why is the Passion read on Palm Sunday?" "Why do we visit seven churches after Mass on Holy Thursday?" And "When does our Lenten promise officially end?" (Original Air 04-12-17) |
Sun, 9 April 2017
On Mass Class Wednesday, Father Dave hears from a listener wondering if the congregation should lift their hands during the "peace be with you" exchange with the priest during Mass. Father Dave explains the Church teaching on the proper protocol. (Original Air 03-15-17) |
Sun, 9 April 2017
Father Dave hears from a caller battling addiction. The caller wonders about going to confession in the midst of coping with issues of addiction. (Original Air 03-09-17) |